Enjoy the now and secure your future

Managing your financial situation always involves tension between how you live your life now and preparing for your future – whatever that looks like. The worry about not getting the balance right and making unnecessary sacrifices now – or not having enough money for the things you want to do in the future is a … Read more

How to end the financial year on a high note

As the financial year draws to a close, it’s the perfect time to review your financial affairs and set the stage for a successful new financial year. By taking care of essential tasks and implementing strategic planning, you can position yourself for a smooth transition and a strong start for the new financial year. Topping … Read more

The art of refinancing

Refinancing your home loan has the potential to save you thousands, reduce your monthly repayments and free up your finances to achieve your goals. However, mastering the art of refinancing requires strategic planning, an understanding of the process and taking numerous considerations into account. Whether you plan on external or internal refinancing, here’s what to … Read more

Market movements & review video – May 2024

Stay up to date with what’s happened in markets and the Australian economy over the past month. As eyes turn to the 2024-25 Federal Budget, stronger-than-expected domestic inflation was recorded for April. The markets have been subdued due to geopolitical instability and uncertainty around cash rates both in Australia and the US. The S&P/ASX 200 … Read more

Living your best life in retirement

If you’re nearing retirement age, it’s likely you’re wondering if you will have enough saved to give up work and take it easy, particularly as cost-of-living increases hit some of the basic expenses such as energy, insurance, food and health costs. Fortunately, someone has already worked out what you might need. The Association of Superannuation … Read more

SMSFs: What happens if you exceed your super caps

The rules around making some types of super contributions have been relaxed in recent years, so it’s worth exploring the different opportunities available to you before making a large contribution.i What are contribution caps? Given the tax-effective environment of Australia’s super system, there are annual limits on how much you can contribute each financial year. … Read more

Being informed is the key to avoiding scams

While it seems we all like to think we are clever enough to outwit a scam, Australians collectively lost more than 480 million to scams last year. Every year scammers get more sophisticated in the methods they use to part us with our money – or our valuable personal information. It’s important to recognise that … Read more

Markets love certainty, but what happens next?

Financial markets can be like finely tuned racehorses, poised to gallop ahead under ideal conditions but often highly reactive to unexpected events. It’s often said that the markets love certainty. Investors feel more confident when economic conditions are stable and predictable. But certainty in financial conditions is never a sure thing. Uncertainty is always just … Read more