Investing lessons from the pandemic

When the coronavirus pandemic hit financial markets in March 2020, almost 40 per cent was wiped off the value of shares in less than a month.i Understandably, many investors hit the panic button and switched to cash or withdrew savings from superannuation. With the benefit of hindsight, some people may be regretting acting in haste. … Read more

Market movements & review video – August 2021

Stay up to date with what’s happened in Australian markets over the past month. Our August update video takes you through key economic indicators, as both markets and the economy react to the continued on-again, off-again lockdowns throughout across numerous states in July. Please get in touch if you’d like assistance with your personal financial … Read more

Going for gold to achieve your goals

The Olympic Games always provides a platform to marvel at what humans are capable of, as the athletes competing strive to be the fastest, the strongest or just the best, to win gold. While this year may be a little different, the Games still give us the opportunity to be inspired by the remarkable performances … Read more

What’s up with inflation?

Fears of a resurgence in inflation has been the big topic of conversation among bond and sharemarket commentators lately, which may come as a surprise to many given that our rate of inflation is just 1.1 per cent. Yet despite market rumblings, the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) appears quite comfortable about the outlook. Inflation … Read more

New Financial Year rings in some super changes

As the new financial year gets underway, there are some big changes to superannuation that could add up to a welcome lift in your retirement savings. Some, like the rise in the Superannuation Guarantee (SG), will happen automatically so you won’t need to lift a finger. Others, like higher contribution caps, may require some planning … Read more

Market movements & review – July 2021

Stay up to date with what’s happened in Australian and global markets over the past month. Our July update video takes you through key economic indicators so you can understand how the Australian economy is faring as we recover from the COVID-19 induced recession of 2020. Please get in touch if you’d like assistance with … Read more

The financial rewards of optimism

If it wasn’t already clear, the past 12 months certainly cemented the fact that life has a habit of throwing us the occasional curveball. The reality is we all face challenges, however approaching life with a positive mindset can help us deal with any issues we may face and improve our lives in many ways. … Read more

Positives and negatives of gearing

Negatively gearing an investment property is viewed by many Australians as a tax effective way to get ahead. According to Treasury, more than 1.9 million people earned rental income in 2012-13 and of those about 1.3 million reported a net rental loss. So it was no surprise that many people were worried about how they … Read more

Are your insurance needs covered?

The start of a new year is always a good time to check whether your insurance policies are still serving your needs. But this year there is even more reason to review your cover. If your super balance is less than $6000 or you are under 25 and are a new fund member, life insurance … Read more

Super changes add flexibility

Just when you thought you had a grip on the superannuation rules, they change again. This time though, the changes are mostly positive, especially for older super members keen to top up their savings. From 1 July 2020, changes came into effect with the potential to help retirees as well as members suffering financial hardship … Read more